Clinical Resources

Found 5 Results

Dr. Hector L. Sarmiento
New York, New York, USA

Clinical Case

A Regenerative Approach to Peri-implantitis

Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón
Dr. Erik Regidor Correa

BIOBRIEF, Download, Video

Clinical Efficacy of Geistlich Mucograft® in Regeneration of Oral Mucosa Combined with the Surgical Treatment of Peri-implantitis in Implants with Lack of Keratinized Tissue

Key Study

Collagen-Coated Bovine Bone in Peri-implantitis Defects: A Pilot Study on a Novel Approach

Dr. Tomas Linkevičius

Video, Webinar

Soft Tissue Management to Prevent Tissue Loss / Prevent Complications

Key Study

Surgical treatment of peri-implantitis intrabony lesions by means of deproteinized bovine bone mineral with 10% collagen: 7-year-results