Clinical Resources

Found 139 Results
Key Study

3-Year Results Show that Yxoss CBR is a Predictable Technique for Bone Gain in Advanced Defects

Dr. Matteo Chiapasco

Matteo Chiapasco, D.D.S., M.D.
Grazia Tommasato, D.D.S., M.S.C.

BIOBRIEF, Download, Video

3D Bone Augmentation Using Customized Titanium Mesh in Conjunction with Autogenous Bone and Bovine Bone Material Granules

Key Study

A 4- to 5-year retrospective clinical and radiographic study of Neoss implants placed with or without GBR procedures

Key Study

A radiographical study on the changes in height of grafting materials after sinus lift: a comparison between two types of xenogenic materials

Key Study

A randomized, controlled, multicentre clinical trial of post-extraction alveolar ridge preservation

Dr. Hector L. Sarmiento
New York, New York, USA

Clinical Case

A Regenerative Approach to Peri-implantitis

Hector L. Sarmiento, D.M.D., MSc.
Manhattan, New York, USA

BIOBRIEF, Download, Video

A Regenerative Approach to Peri-implantitis

Alecsandru Ionescu, DDS, PhD

Video, Webinar

Alveolar Ridge Augmentation Using the Open Healing Concept

Hanae Saito, DDS, MS, CCRC
Andrew Tong, DDS

BIOBRIEF, Download, Video

Alveolar Ridge Preservation with vallos® Mineralized Cortico-Cancellous Allograft

Key Study

American Academy of Periodontology best evidence consensus statement on the use of biologics in clinical practice

Tamir Wardany, D.D.S.

BIOBRIEF, Download, Video

Avoiding Post-Implant Placement and Long Term Crestal Bone Resorption by Thickening Vertical Soft Tissue

Key Study

Biodegradation of differently cross-linked collagen membranes: an experimental study in the rat