Simplified Solutions for Long-Term Success in Complex Cases
Challenges of Traditional Solutions for Major Bone Augmentation
Traditionally, creating a stable and regenerative environment in large bony defects can be invasive, time consuming and unpredictable, leading to:

Time consuming surgery and slow healing time

Maintaining volume1

Insufficient vestibular depth and keratinized tissue or tissue thickness after wound closure

Patient morbidity after harvesting autogenous tissue

Insufficient alveolar ridge width and height for implant placement

More Bone. More Time
Simplified Solutions to Oral Surgery Excellence
The combination of the best-in-class biomaterials and 3-D printing technology offers you more bone in complex bone augmentation and opportunity to reduce surgery time without complex adaptations.2

Select a
to Learn
Yxoss CBR®
The first customized 3D-printed bone regeneration solution for complex bone defects. The customized precision fit allows surgeons to save on time-consuming cutting, shaping, or adapting of titanium mesh.
New Innovations Coming Soon, Yxoss Fully Protect®
Geistlich Bio-Oss®
Thanks to its high resorption stability and osteoconductivity, Geistlich Bio-Oss® protects human bone grafts against degradation.1, 18-20
vallos® allografts are natural bone graft substitutes, which due to the preservation of inherent biological properties, provides the optimal characteristics and scientific properties required for bone formation.3
Geistlich bone harvesting instruments provide an easy method for harvesting autogenous cortical bone for use in grafted sites with a minimally invasive technique.
GEM 21S®
A growth-factor enhanced matrix promotes faster, better healing, new bone formation, and more predictable outcomes.4
Geistlich Bio-Gide®
The native collagen membrane provides a barrier function long enough to protect the newly forming bone from soft-tissue ingrowth and provides support for wound healing.1, 5-11
Our Supertack requires no pre-drilling of the site and can be used in very compact bone. The unique tack shape allows for easy removal and blue tack coloring facilitates detection under soft tissues.
Geistlich Fibro-Gide®
Geistlich Fibro-Gide® offers the ideal matrix for volume stability while significantly reducing post-operative pain and chair time.12-14
Geistlich Mucograft®
Geistlich Mucograft® is a unique collagen matrix designed specifically for the gain of keratinized tissue and for recession coverage.14,16,17 18,19 Like Geistlich Fibro-Gide, the palate free innovation eliminates the need to harvest an autologous graft, reduces patient morbidity, and faster healing.15

Immediate Versus Staged Bone Augmentation
What are the documented clinical advantages of using Geistlich Products?
Application of Geistlich biomaterials in conjunction with innovative treatment solutions can offer customized, reinforced and well-documented clinical outcomes.
- Improved patient satisfaction20-28
- Optimal application and handling
- Reduced surgery time12-14
- Less invasive surgery15
- Fewer complications9, 36, 39
- Lower morbidity40
- Stable clinical outcome29-33
- Less bone resorption29-33
- Long-term implant survival rate 22,26,27,37
- Predictable bone gain 22, 26, 27
- Improved healing with Geistlich Bio-Gide® 28,29, 34-36
- Rapid healing and bone formation with GEM 21S®4
Overall, more bone volume and improved bone quality lead to higher implant survival rates38
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Knowledge Boost:
Predictability and Esthetic Outcomes in Major Bone Augmentation Cases

The Sausage TechniqueTM results in superior bone gain compared to conventional GBR

5-year results of complex bone augmentation procedures with Yxoss CBR® show high implant survival rate and stable bone

3-year results show that Yxoss CBR® is a predictable technique for bone gain in advanced defects
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- Data on file, MTF Biologics
- GEM 21S® Instructions for Use.
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