Prosthetically Guided Regeneration (PGR) in the Posterior Maxilla

Paolo Casentini, DDS


The 60-year-old female patient’s chief complaint was represented by unsatisfactory esthetics and function, related to loss of multiple maxillary teeth. Her request focused on improving esthetics and function by means of a fixed reconstruction.

The patient presented five residual anterior maxillary teeth (from 6 to 10) that could be maintained. After preliminary periodontal diagnosis and treatment, specific diagnostic steps for implant treatment demonstrated inadequate bone volume for implant placement.


Low RiskMedium RiskHigh Risk
Patient’s healthIntact immune system
Light smokerImpaired immune system 
Patient’s esthetic requirementsLowMediumHigh
Height of smile lineLowMediumHigh
Gingival biotypeThick – “low scalloped”Medium – “medium scalloped”Thin – “high scalloped”
Shape of dental crownsRectangularTriangular
Infection at implant sightNoneChronicAcute
Bone height at adjacent tooth site≤ 5 mm from contact point5.5 – 6.5 mm from contact point≥ 7 mm from contact point
Restorative status of adjacent toothIntactRestored
Width of tooth gap1 tooth (≥ 7 mm)1 tooth (≤ 7 mm)2 teeth or more
Soft-tissue anatomyIntactCompromised
Bone anatomy of the alveolar ridgeNo defectHorizontal defectVertical defect
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Bi-lateral sinus lift with Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen® and horizontal bone augmentation with a 1:1 mix of autogenous bone and Geistlich Bio-Oss® were performed six months prior to implant placement, following a Prosthetically Guided Regenerative (PGR) approach. The augmented sites were protected with Geistlich Bio-Gide® stabilized with titanium pins. The template utilized for radiographic diagnosis and GBR was then used to guide the implants’ placement.

Baseline full-mouth intra-oral view: the residual maxillary teeth were preliminarily reconstructed with a composite mock-up. The horizontal atrophy of the posterior areas of the maxilla is clearly visible.
The cone beam, realized with a radio-opaque diagnostic template, shows inadequate bone volume for implant placement in all the analyzed sites.
The use of the diagnostic template during the augmentation procedure helps to highlight the presence of bone defects in relationship to the restorative plan and future position of implants.
Large Geistlich Bio-Oss® particles are directly applied inside the sinus with Geistlich Bio-Oss Pen®.
The Geistlich Bio-Gide®, fixed with titanium pins is used to protect and stabilize the augmented site. As the surgical template shows, the bone augmentation is based on the future restorative project following the principle of PGR.
The same surgical procedure is performed on the left posterior side of the maxilla.
Cone-beam 6 months after surgery and prior to implant placement. The relationship between the template used for diagnosis and the bone crest reveals adequate bone volume to place implants in the correct prosthetically driven position.
Implant placement was guided by the same template utilized for diagnosis and bone augmentation.
Final view of the prosthetic reconstruction demonstrates bio-mimetic integration of implant-supported prostheses and ceramic veneers bonded to residual natural teeth.
The panoramic radiograph shows adequate integration of the implants and absence of peri-implant bone resorption.

Using a diagnostic template during the GBR procedure helps to highlight the presence of bone defects in relationship to the restorative plan and future position of implants.


After a healing period of six months, adequate bone volume was achieved for the placement of five implants. Geistlich Fibro-Gide® was also used to optimize soft tissue volume at the buccal aspect of implants.

Implants were early loaded with a temporary screw-retained fixed prostheses six weeks after placement. The final prosthetic reconstruction included ceramic veneers of the frontal residual teeth and zirconium-ceramic screw-retained fixed prostheses on implants.

Patient satisfaction is my driver for excellence. That’s why I always apply the Prosthetically Guided Regeneration principle together with Geistlich Biomaterials: proven and predictable long-term patient success.”

Paolo Casentini, DDS

Paolo Casentini, DDS

Graduated in Dentistry at the University of Milan, Fellow and Past Chairman of the Italian section of ITI, Active member Italian Academy of Osseointegration. Co-author of 10 textbooks including ITI Treatment Guide volume 4, translated in eight languages, and “Pink Esthetic and Soft Tissues in Implant Dentistry” translated in five languages. His field of interest is advanced implantology in complex and esthetically demanding cases. He has extensively lectured in more than 40 countries.