Horizontal Ridge Augmentation in the Posterior Mandible of a 90-Year-Old Female

Dr. Kim Rocky Mount Perio
Dr. John Kim


A 90-year-old female presented requesting dental implants be placed in the left mandibular posterior region. Her chief complaint was increased drooling and difficulty chewing on only one side. She lost her bridge one year prior to her visit and firmly stated that she did not want to wear a partial denture. The clinical exam and CBCT showed that there was a horizontal alveolar ridge deficiency that precluded the implants from being placed in a restoratively desirably position. Therefore, a horizontal ridge augmentation was done using multiple layers of Geistlich Bio-Gide® Compressed over a 1:1 ratio of autogenous bone and Geistlich Bio-Oss® xenograft.


Low RiskMedium RiskHigh Risk
Patient’s healthIntact immune system Light smokerImpaired immune system 
Patient’s esthetic requirementsLowMediumHigh
Height of smile lineLowMediumHigh
Gingival biotypeThick – “low scalloped”Medium – “medium scalloped”Thin – “high scalloped”
Shape of dental crownsRectangularTriangular
Infection at implant sightNoneChronicAcute
Bone height at adjacent tooth site≤ 5 mm from contact point5.5 – 6.5 mm from contact point≥ 7 mm from contact point
Restorative status of adjacent toothIntactRestored
Width of tooth gap1 tooth (≥ 7 mm)1 tooth (≤ 7 mm)2 teeth or more
Soft-tissue anatomyIntactCompromised
Bone anatomy of the alveolar ridgeNo defectHorizontal defectVertical defect
Note: Very limited range of opening
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The treatment goal was to gain adequate horizontal bone dimension to allow for prosthetically-driven implant placement. Guided bone regeneration was performed in which autogenous bone was mixed with Geistlich Bio-Oss® xenograft in a 1:1 ratio. PRF was used to create “sticky bone” and was covered by multiple layers of Geistlich Bio-Gide® Compressed. The membrane was stabilized with periosteal biting stabilizing sutures. Tension-free primary closure was achieved and the grafted site was allowed to heal for 8 months prior to the implant surgery for #19 and #20.

Pre-operative situation showing the horizontal ridge deficiency (left). Buccal bone concavity evident after full thickness flap elevation (middle). There is insufficient bone to place implants in an ideal restorative position (right).
It is important to locate the mental foramen. Intramarrow penetrations were done to allow for improved blood supply to the bone graft.
The clinical cocktail used for guided bone regeneration: 1) 50/50 mixture of autogenous bone chips, collected with Geistlich SafeScraper TWIST, and Geistlich Bio-Oss®, and 2) Geistlich Bio-Gide® Compressed 20 x 30 mm and 13 x 25 mm.
“Sticky bone”, created by combining PRF with the bone graft, adapted well to the site of the defect. Periosteal biting sutures were used for stabilization of the multiple layers of Geistlich Bio-Gide® Compressed and underlying bone graft.
Geistlich Bio-Gide® Compressed was carefully trimmed to be mindful of the mental nerve.
Tension-free primary closure achieved with horizontal mattress sutures and simple interrupted sutures.
Re-entry and CBCT scan at 8 months showing a significant increase in horizonal bone dimension.
Sufficient regenerated bone to allow for implant therapy (left). Implants #19 and #20 placed. Vital bone from guided bone regeneration as evidenced by the bleeding bone (middle). Tension-free primary closure achieved using 5-0 glycolon sutures.

“A predictable ridge augmentation procedure was needed to help our 90-year-old patient avoid having nutritional deficiencies due to lack of proper chewing ability and also to improve her quality of life.”


The horizontal ridge augmentation procedure resulted in adequate bone for implant therapy as evidenced by the CBCT scan and re-entry surgery. With a sufficient quantity of good quality regenerated bone, implants for #19 and #20 were placed using a surgical guide based on a diagnostic wax up. Our 90-year-old patient is very happy to be able to chew efficiently again.

Stabilizing Geistlich Bio-Gide® Compressed and the underlying particulate graft allows for predictable ridge augmentation across multiple edentulous sites.”

Dr. John Kim
Dr. Kim Rocky Mount Perio

Dr. John Kim

Dr. Kim, originally from Fairfax, VA, received his DMD from Harvard School of Dental Medicine. He completed his residency and received his M.S. in Periodontics at UNC School of Dentistry at Chapel Hill. Dr. Kim is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and actively speaks as an expert on guided bone regeneration, implant therapy, soft tissue grafting, and managing complications domestically and internationally. He is also an adjunct faculty at UNC Adams School of Dentistry.



A 60-year-old female presented to the periodontics clinic at UTHSA for implant placement at sites #18 and #19. Upon clinical and radiographic examinations, the lower left edentulous ridge was diagnosed as a Siebert class III due to the presence of bucco-lingual and apico-coronal tissue defects. The treatment proposed included soft tissue grafting for increase of keratinized tissue followed by ridge augmentation using Yxoss CBR®mesh and a mix of autograft, vallos fibers, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP)


The vallos fibers combined with autogenous bone and the PRP created a stable fibrin bone graft that could be easily molded and contained within the mesh. Hydration with PRP was progressive until the graft reached the desired consistency. Wound healing following ridge augmentation was uneventful. There were no signs of infection or membrane exposure at the site. Mesh removal and implant placement is planned at 6-months following ridge augmentation.