Geistlich is dedicated to the continuing education of our clinician partners. Whether in person or virtual, our mission is to increase the knowledge of regenerative dentistry. We look forward to partnering with you on your journey and growing with you as a clinician.




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over the last 4 years


attendees from
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Found 23 Results
Key Study

A 4- to 5-year retrospective clinical and radiographic study of Neoss implants placed with or without GBR procedures

Alecsandru Ionescu, DDS, PhD
On Demand

Video, Webinar

Alveolar Ridge Augmentation Using the Open Healing Concept

Prof. Dr. Ronald E. Jung
Zürich, Switzerland

BIOBRIEF, Download, Video

Bone Augmentation L-Shape Technique with Early Implant Placement

Key Study

Clinical and radiographical performance of implants placed with simultaneous guided bone regeneration using resorbable and nonresorbable membranes after 22-24 years, a prospective, controlled clinical trial

Dr. Liliana Aranguren, Dr. Yvette Carrillo, Dr. Irina Dragan, Dr. Gayathri Shenoy
On Demand

Video, Webinar

Clinical Cocktails: The Science of Bone Graft Mixing

Dr. Ueli Grunder
Zurich, Switzerland

Clinical Case

Contour Augmentation with Geistlich Bio-Oss Collagen® – A 25-Year Follow-Up

Key Study

Effectiveness of Contour Augmentation with Guided Bone Regeneration: 10-Year Results

PD Dr. med. Vivianne Chappuis
Bern, Switzerland

Clinical Case

Guided Bone Regeneration with Simultaneous Soft-Tissue Augmentation in the Anterior Maxilla

Bassam Kinaia, DDS, MS, DICOI
Sterling Heights, MI

BIOBRIEF, Download, Video

Guided Tissue Regeneration in the Esthetic Zone of a 34-Year-Old Male

Dr. Justin Kang
Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, USA

BIOBRIEF, Download, Video

Horizontal Ridge Augmentation in the Esthetic Zone

Dr. Waldemar Polido
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Clinical Case

Immediate Implant Placement and Soft-Tissue Thickening in a Split-Mouth Approach

Dr. John M. Sisto
Park Ridge, Illinois, USA

BIOBRIEF, Download, Video

Lateral Ridge Augmentation in the Posterior Mandible