Geistlich is dedicated to the continuing education of our clinician partners. Whether in person or virtual, our mission is to increase the knowledge of regenerative dentistry. We look forward to partnering with you on your journey and growing with you as a clinician.




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Found 44 Results

PD Dr. Daniel Thoma
Zurich, Switzerland

Clinical Case

Ridge Preservation and Simultaneous Soft-Tissue Augmentation in the Posterior Mandible

Dr. Gerhard Iglhaut

Clinical Case

Ridge Split

Vinay Bhide, DDS, MSc, FRCD(C)
Aurora, Ontario

Clinical Case

Root Coverage for Multiple Adjacent Teeth in the Maxilla with Geistlich Fibro-Gide®

Prof. Dr. Istvan Urban
Budapest, Hungary

Clinical Case

Sausage Technique and Gain of Vestibular Depth

Dr. Daniele Cardaropoli
Turin, Italy

Clinical Case

Single recession coverage with coronally advanced flap in thick biotype

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Zucchelli
Bologna, Italy

Clinical Case

Single recession coverage with coronally advanced flap in thin biotype

Dr. Jeffery Ganales
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA

Clinical Case

Single Stage Immediate Implant Placement and Soft-Tissue Thickening

Dr. Irina Dragan
Brookline Periodontal Associates

Clinical Case

Socket Ridge Preservation Utilizing Geistlich vallomix™ f

Dr. Ronald E. Jung
Zurich, Switzerland

Clinical Case

Socket seal of anterior alveole in late implant placement

Dr. Marcus Seiler MSc MSc
Filderstadt, Germany

Clinical Case

Surgical procedure, Step-by-Step

Prof. Leonardo Trombelli
Ferrara, Italy

Clinical Case

Thickening Soft-Tissue When Uncovering an Implant in the Anterior Maxilla

Dr. Raffaele Cavalcanti
Bari, Italy

Clinical Case

Treatment of Multiple Gingival Recession with Coronally Advanced Flap Technique