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Initial Situation: a failing mandibular molar with a vertical sub-osseous fracture.A pre-operative radiograph and CBCT showing the cross-section of the involved tooth. An implant site was developed by placing a pilot drill down the mesial root space, then uprighting it. This was continued up through the drill sequence. The mesial radicular septum is moved in the process. A Camlog® 5.0 x 11 mm implant was placed with the platform set just down below the bone height of the socket walls. After placing a 4.0 mm height cylindrical gingiva former in the implant, 250 mg of Geistlich Bio-Oss Collagen® was packed down in the socket around the implant. Geistlich Mucograft® was adapted to the region then tucked down under the gingival margin. The gingival margins were adapted and closed together with 4.0 teflon sutures (Cytoplast™, Osteogenics). The region was then covered with Glustich – PeriAcryl®90 Oral Tissue Adhesive. 4 months later following Emergence Profile Development. An occlusal view of the final one-piece, screw-retained zirconia crown restoration based on a Camlog® Titanium Base Abutment.