CLINICAL CASE 1 – Large horizontal and vertical bone defect in region 5-12; deficit emerging from many years of wearing mucosa-supported dentures. 2 – 3-D design including 3-D model, grafting volume, Yxoss CBR® and implants. 3 – 3-D Design including 3-D model and Yxoss CBR®. 4 – Initial clinical situation before opening of the soft tissue. 5 – Presentation of bony situs with a full-thickness flap (ridge incision). 6 – Titanium scaffold filled with 100% Geistlich Bio-Oss® and placed onto bone defect. Fixation performed with 4 mini-screws in the buccal area. 7 – Soft tissue situation after 6 months of healing. 8 – Careful separation of Yxoss CBR® into two parts at predetermined breaking points (Easy Removal Design®). Pilot drill performed through built-in holes according to backward planning principle. 9 – 4 implants placed in positions 5, 7, 10 and 12 to support the prosthesis. Bleeding out of the bone shows a good vascularization. 10 – Panoramic X-ray 6 months after the augmentation. In the meantime, 4 additional implants have been placed in the lower jaw.