VISIT US: Geistlich Booth 1309
American Academy of Periodontology 110th Annual Meeting
October 31st – November 2nd, 2024
San Diego, CA

Geistlich Corporate Forum
Thursday, October 31, 2024 • 1:00 – 4:45 pm
San Diego Convention Center
Room: 16B
The Geistlich Corporate Forum features dynamic regenerative experts from around the world introducing innovative and diverse treatment solutions for your practice.
Bone, Barriers and Biologics: Crafting the Recipe for Predictable Regeneration

1:00 – 1:45 pm
Dr. Samar Shaikh
Boston, MA • USA
Understanding the characteristics of biomaterials is crucial in achieving predictable regenerative outcomes. This presentation will discuss individual and combined roles and mechanisms of bone grafts, barrier membranes and biologics for bone regeneration. Through clinical cases and evidence-based decisions, we will review strategies and learn how to leverage the potential of biomaterials and biologics in managing complex cases and achieving optimal outcomes for our patients.
Treatment of Advanced Peri-Implantitis with Regenerative Therapy

2:00 – 2:45 pm
Dr. Andrea Ravidà
Pittsburgh, PA • USA
The treatment of peri-implantitis has become a major challenge for many dentists who place implants. We will discuss evidence-based strategies for management of complex implant-related biological complications in the aesthetic zone and other areas of the mouth. Special emphasis will be placed on the impact of the morphology and severity of peri-implant bone defects on the outcome of reconstructive treatment.
Augmentation of Ridge Defects with Custom Printed Titanium Mesh

3:00 – 3:45 pm
Dr. Israel Puterman
Chevy Chase, MD • USA
Ridge augmentation of alveolar ridge defects is a procedure that is often necessary in order to have dental implants placed. Although often challenging, minor defects can typically be grafted with resorbable membranes. The larger the defect, and the more vertical augmentation needed, increased stability of the graft/membrane complex becomes more critical to success. This involves the use of non-resorbable membranes or meshes, which inherently have their own challenges due to the need to conform to the surgical site. This lecture will demonstrate the use of customized pre-fabricated 3D printed titanium mesh for augmentation of these advanced ridge deficiencies.
Guided Bone Regeneration 2.0 – Pushing the Limits in Day-to-Day Clinical Practice

4:00 – 4:45 pm
Dr. Frank Schwarz
Frankfurt • Germany
The efficacy of guided bone regeneration (GBR) for the reconstruction of alveolar ridge defects is well documented. Many fine-tuning efforts have been made for various surgical indications to facilitate and broaden its applications. This lecture will focus on the advancement of practical skills with innovative techniques to master basic and advanced clinical indications.
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