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  • Geistlich Bio-Oss®


  • Geistlich Bio-Gide®



Successful Implant Placement and Horizontal Augmentation for Bilateral Congenitally Missing Maxillary Incisors

Dr. Avinash Bidra


A 30-year-old male patient was referred to me with bilateral congenitally missing lateral incisors in the maxilla. The referring general dentist had previously made a resin-bonded bridge which was successful for a few years but had frequent debondings. Clinical examination revealed lack of ridge contour but the CBCT revealed existence of adequate width for placement of narrow-diameter implants with additional bone grafting and contour augmentation. The existing bone anatomy precluded placement of implants for screw-retained restorations without a pre-surgical lateral ridge augmentation procedure. The patient accepted a treatment plan for placement of two narrow-diameter implants and simultaneous bone grafting and contour augmentation followed by restoration with zirconia cement-retained crowns.


Low RiskMedium RiskHigh Risk
Patient’s healthIntact immune system Light smokerImpaired immune system 
Patient’s esthetic requirementsLowMediumHigh
Height of smile lineLowMediumHigh
Gingival biotypeThick – “low scalloped”Medium – “medium scalloped”Thin – “high scalloped”
Shape of dental crownsRectangularTriangular
Infection at implant sightNoneChronicAcute
Bone height at adjacent tooth site≤ 5 mm from contact point5.5 – 6.5 mm from contact point≥ 7 mm from contact point
Restorative status of adjacent toothIntactCompromised
Width of tooth gap1 tooth (≥ 7 mm)1 tooth (≤ 7 mm)2 teeth or more
Soft-tissue anatomyIntactCompromised
Bone anatomy of the alveolar ridgeNo defectHorizontal defectVertical defect
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My treatment goals were to preserve the existing soft-tissue architecture, especially the interdental papilla, mesial and distal to the lateral incisors, improve the facial contour at the lateral incisor sites by bone grafting with a low substitution biomaterial, and harmonize esthetics and function with optimal implant-supported restorations.

Frontal view revealed adequate contours of soft-tissue especially in gingival height and presence of interdental papilla which needed to be preserved.
Bilateral papilla-sparing incisions were used to preserve the existing papilla and the osteotomies were prepared to allow implant trajectories for cement retained restorations.
An apical fenestration was noted in the osteotomies. After placement of a narrow diameter implant at patient’s right lateral incisor, the site was grafted with a mixture of autologous bone chips and Geistlich Bio-Oss®.
Geistlich Bio-Gide® is trimmed to match the trapezoidal flap design and placed over the graft material.
Healing Abutments 3.5 mm were placed at time of surgery for single-stage healing
After a 3-month healing period, the implants were osseointegrated and then screw-retained provisional crowns were fabricated over both implants. The soft-tissues showed an excellent response to the bone graft materials.
The soft tissues around the implants show excellent maturation and support especially in the interdental papilla region which was preserved during surgery.
Occlusal view shows adequate restoration of the facial contour around the implant restorations indicating excellent outcome from the contour augmentation procedure.
Frontal close-up view of the implant restorations shows pleasing dental and gingival esthetics.

“The patient had failed resin-bonded bridges with deficient contours for bilateral congenitally missing lateral incisors.”


Single-stage implant placement with bilateral papilla-sparing incision design and simultaneous contour augmentation using a mixture of Geistlich Bio-Oss® autologous bone chips and Geistlich Bio-Gide®.

The low substitution bone graft, combined with a rapidly vascularizing membrane, helped to achieve the biological integration of the biomaterial.”

Dr. Avinash Bidra

The use of Geistlich Bio-Gide® and Geistlich Bio-Oss® mixed with autologous bone can lead to a successful outcome in single-stage implant placement with simultaneous contour augmentation.”

Dr. Avinash Bidra

Dr. Avinash Bidra

Dr. Bidra is a Board Certified Maxillofacial Prosthodontist and Director of the Prosthodontics Residency Program at UCONN School of Dental Medicine. He has extensive surgical experience and maintains a part-time private practice restricted to Implant Surgery and Prosthodontics in Meriden, CT. He has lectured at national and international meetings, as well as published extensively in international scientific journals. He has invented prosthetic components and is a co-inventor of a new implant design.

  • Geistlich Bio-Oss®


  • Geistlich Bio-Gide®
