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1 – This case shows a shallow vestibule and almost no keratinized tissue on the lower crestal part. The horizontal incision has to be made within the keratinized tissue (see depicted line). 2 – Ensure the incision is within the keratinized tissue: an apically fixed split flap is used here. Remove the muscles, scar fibers and ligaments before application of Geistlich Mucograft®.3 – Measure the defect carefully with a periodontal probe and cut Geistlich Mucograft® in a dry state. In the case of a large vestibuloplasty, several pieces of Geistlich Mucograft® can be sutured side by side.4 – Geistlich Mucograft® is sutured directly onto the periosteum with 5.0 resorbable sutures and left exposed for open healing (healed by secondary intention). 5 – 10 days post-operative: favorable healing where granulation tissue and new soft tissues have formed. 6 – 1 month post-operative: excellent wound healing with complete integration and epithelialization of Geistlich Mucograft® as well as keratinization of the crestal aspect could be observed. 7 – 3 months post-operative: excellent esthetic outcome with full integration and epithelialization of Geistlich Mucograft® to the surrounding tissue and keratinization of the crestal aspect. 8 – 1 year post-operative: the formed keratinized tissue fulfills its functionality and shows an esthetically pleasing result matching the structure and color of the surrounding tissues. The mean width of the peri-implant keratinized mucosa was 4.0 mm, and a low shrinkage was assessed at 38%. 9 – 5 years post-operative: the mucogingival appearance remains stable. The resulting keratinized tissue fulfills its functionality and shows an esthetically pleasing result.