Improve Clinical

with GEM 21S®
Enhanced Matrix1

4Cs of Innovation

1C | Consistency

The only off-the-shelf source of purified rhPDGF approved for bone and soft tissue regeneration.2

2C | Cellular Attraction

rhPDGF signals and recruits the specific cells that the body needs to regenerate bone and the surrounding tissues (chemotaxis).3

3C | Cellular Proliferation

Once the cells migrate to the site, cell proliferation occurs (mitogenesis). This cellular activity stimulates angiogenesis, resulting in more rapid healing and new bone formation.3

4C | Clinical Outcomes

GEM 21S® is one of the most researched growth factors in dentistry. rhPDGF has been demonstrated to be safe and effective in regenerating bone and soft tissue in more than 500 scientific publications and 60+ clinical studies.4

It starts with innovation
you can count on.

GEM 21S® Growth-factor Enhanced Matrix is designed to enhance the patient’s natural ability to heal and restore bone and gingiva lost due to periodontal disease. GEM 21S® is a synthetic bone graft that has been engineered to take advantage of tissue engineering principles combining purified, potent, sterile recombinant platelet-derived growth factor (rhPDGF) with an osteoconductive matrix (beta tricalcium phosphate, β-TCP).

Extensive in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that rhPDGF-BB is a powerful stimulant of angiogenesis that also stabilizes newly formed blood vessels.

Envision GEM 21S® in
your regenerative regimen!

Download the e-book for:

The important science behind growth factors​

The latest peer-reviewed clinical evidence on the efficacy of biologics in contemporary periodontal practice​

Access to Dr. McGuire’s on-demand lecture: “Techniques for Achieving Optimum Soft Tissue and Bone Healing for Esthetics and Function Around Teeth and Implants”

Clinically relevant peer-to-peer cases & techniques with biologics in tissue regeneration​

Exclusive offer

GEM 21S® brings biologics into focus for patients.

  • Your patients will appreciate GEM 21S® as it promotes faster, better healing and a more predictable outcome of your oral regenerative procedures.1
  • At the conclusion of a pivotal trial, patients who were in need of additional surgery unanimously stated that they would prefer treatment with GEM 21S® over a CTG because they were satisfied with the esthetic results and could avoid the harvesting of palatal graft.4

“In dealing with periodonal defects, one of my favorite biomaterials to use is GEM 21S® which is a highly purified recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor (rhPDGF-BB).”

Dr. John Kim, DMD, MS, PA


Reference: GEM 21S Packet Insert

  1. Nevins M. et al.: J Periodontol. 2003 Sep; 74(9):1282-92.
  2. GEM 21S® Instructions for Use.
  3. Based on in-vitro and in-vivo data; see device description in GEM 21S® package insert for complete information
  4. Data on file, Lynch Biologics, LLC.